What I Received from Purim

This year I had a quiet Purim.  The last 3 or 4 years I have thrown seudas (Jewish parties celebrate a success and are centered around a meal).  This year I just invited a few close friends and sat around a fire in my backyard. At first something felt wrong and I realized it was because I wasn’t in costume.  So, I put my costume on and as I sipped some whiskey I truly felt the spirit of Purim.  I … Continue reading

Parsha Ttzaveh: A Torah Exposing God

This week we read from the hidden parsha (weekly Torah portion), which is appropriate considering it is the parsha that is read either just before or right on (when we are not in a leap year) the most hidden of Jewish holidays: Purim. What is hidden and hiding? If you all are really nice, and truly believe in faeries, maybe I’ll tell you. 😉 But, before I do, I want to let you know that the parsha we read is … Continue reading

So This is Purim

So this is Purim.   Say, didn’t John Lennon sing that?  Maybe it was something close. Today is Purim.  What is Purim?  The Hebrew word translates to lots (like a lottery), because the villain picked lots to determine when his decree against the Jews would take effect.  But that is just a small part of this holiday. Here is another way to look at Purim.  For me, Purim is the gift of a day to see god hiding in the world.  … Continue reading

Purim and Remembering To Change My Life

Last Thursday was Purim, and I was very busy preparing a Purim Seuda (meal) for adults, and then enjoying the party.  So, I didn’t get a chance to write anything for the Thursday Shmooze.  It is now Thursday again, and I am wondering what to write about.  I keep going around with the same thoughts, over and over again in my head, desperately hoping a new thought will take hold.  And finally a new thought flickers to life. The thought … Continue reading

The Lotteries are Coming, the Lotteries are Coming

Purim.  It means, “Lotteries,” in Hebrew.  Ok, it really means lots, as in drawing lots, which is what a lottery is.  And it is a Jewish holiday where we give out gifts of food to friends, and charity to anyone who asks.  A day where we put on costumes and get so drunk we can’t tell the difference between:  “Blessed is Mordechai (the good guy),” and cursed is Haman (the bad guy).  Oh, and we read/listen to the story of … Continue reading

The Lottery is Coming (Your Chance to Win)

Trick question alert:  What is the holiest day in the Jewish year?  If you say it is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, you are wrong.  The answer is Purim. “Purim?”  I hear you ask,  “How can a day that requires us to get drunk be holier than the day of atonement?”  Ok, maybe the drunks aren’t asking – they probably already know the answer.  But for the rest of us, let me share with you a little secret:  our … Continue reading