Purim is Holier than Yom Kippor

Purim is almost upon us. It starts at sunset Wednesday March 4 and goes until sunset on March 5. It is a day to dress up, give away food (to friends) and money (to anyone and everyone who asks), and get so drunk you cannot tell the difference between, “blessed is Mordechai (the good guy),” and, “Cursed is Haman (the bad guy).” At first glance, this doesn’t sound very Jewish, does it? Wait, there is more… Can you believe that … Continue reading

So This is Purim

So this is Purim.   Say, didn’t John Lennon sing that?  Maybe it was something close. Today is Purim.  What is Purim?  The Hebrew word translates to lots (like a lottery), because the villain picked lots to determine when his decree against the Jews would take effect.  But that is just a small part of this holiday. Here is another way to look at Purim.  For me, Purim is the gift of a day to see god hiding in the world.  … Continue reading