Parsha (double) Vayakhail-P’kudi: Torah on Completion and Moving On

Today is the first day of the first month of the year. Yeah, I know Rosh Hashanah is the new year, but I am just telling you what it said in one of the two parshas that we read this week. For those who don’t know, the Jewish calender is a lunar calender. In order to keep the month of spring in the springtime, an extra month getss added 7 times every 19 years. Every week, a portion of the … Continue reading

Parsha B’shalach: A Torah of Freedom

This week’s parsha (Torah portion) was made for all the musicians in the audience. In it we find Miriam striking up the band as we sing the Song of Freedom after crossing through the Yam Suf (Sea of Reeds). However I am getting a little ahead of myself. First we’ve got to get there. Then we can sing and, then, continue on our merry (?) journey to a date with the divine itself. Our parsha starts out by reminding us … Continue reading

Purim and Remembering To Change My Life

Last Thursday was Purim, and I was very busy preparing a Purim Seuda (meal) for adults, and then enjoying the party.  So, I didn’t get a chance to write anything for the Thursday Shmooze.  It is now Thursday again, and I am wondering what to write about.  I keep going around with the same thoughts, over and over again in my head, desperately hoping a new thought will take hold.  And finally a new thought flickers to life. The thought … Continue reading