Parsha v’Zot haBracha: A Torah Family Moment

Good to see that you-all have made it to the fun side of the high holy-days.  This week we finish up with our new year celebrations, and we also finish reading the fifth and final book that our man Moshe (Moses) transcribed.  Our final parsha (weekly Torah portion), which we read this Thursday (if you are inside Israel and on Friday everywhere else), is called v’Zot haBracha which means, “And this is the blessing.” Why is our parsha called this?  … Continue reading

Succot: Why Now???

We are about to enter into the holy days of Succot (tabernacles) and I thought I would share a few words on the topic.  When I was in Israel, I heard a lot of talk regarding these holy days as to the meaning of the 4 species of trees that we wave, and with the meaning of the succah itself.  At the beginning of one Succot in Israel, a different type of question came to me.  Why does Succot happen … Continue reading