Parsha (double) B’har-B’chukoti: A Torah of Equality

This is the week I call catch-up week. I call it that because six weeks ago, at the end of Pesach/Passover, the Jews in Israel went back to reading the weekly parsha (Torah portion), while the rest of us took an extra day of Pesach and read a special parsha. Since then, Israel has been a week ahead of us in parshas. This shabbat the Jews of the diaspora and the Jews in the land get back in sync. How? … Continue reading

Parsha B’meedbar: A Redeeming Torah

Hello all you wilderness seekers, That’s right, we have finally made it into the book of the wilderness.  This shabbat we will read parsha (weekly Torah portion) B’meedbar (which means wilderness in Hebrew), and this pasha also happens to be the first parsha of the fourth book of the Torah.  This book has the same name as the parsha, but is called Numbers in English because it begins and ends with a census of all the tribes.  Let’s wander into … Continue reading