Parsha R’ay: The Soul Torah

The parsha (weekly Torah portion) we we are reading this week is called R’ay, which is the command form of the verb to see.  The parsha begins with Moshe (Moses) commanding the people to see that he is putting before them a blessing and a curse, depending on if they follow in haShem’s (god) way or not.  We then read where they are supposed to do this ritual of blessing and curse, and of another warning to follow the laws, … Continue reading

Parsha R’ay: Are You Willing to Commit?

So, how did you all answer the big question?  Yeah, I’m talking about the question in the title:  Are you willing to commit?  This is the big question that starts this week’s parsha (weekly Torah portion).  Ok, it isn’t really a question; it is really instructions to the ritual of choosing between a blessing and a curse.  So, I started by asking you a trick question, for the question doesn’t really get asked until we go into the land, which … Continue reading