Parsha Vayikra: Am I Guilty Torah?

This week we start the third of the five books of haShem’s (god) words as scribed by Moshe (Moses).  The book, and the parsha (weekly Torah portion) that we read are called vayikra which means, “And he called,” as in, “And he called to Moshe and haShem spoke to him,” which is how our parsha starts. God is calling to Moshe to tell the people about offerings or sacrifices.  First we read that the acceptable animals that a person can … Continue reading

Parsha Tzav: Two Sides of Life

This coming shabbat is called Shabbat Gadol (big or great shabbat), and I am hearing a lot about why this shabbat is called Shabbat Gadol.  I am also hearing a lot about Pesach (Passover) which is less than 2 weeks away.  I am hearing so much that I feel our poor little parsha (weekly Torah portion) is being left out in the cold.  After all, it is kind of boring compared to Pesach.   Pesach has lots of nooks and … Continue reading