Parsha haAzinu: The Poem that is the Torah

We are about to enter into Rosh haShanah, and shabbat comes in on its coat-tails.  So, while we are getting ready for the Jewish new year, and while there is still time, I want to take a moment to look at this week’s parsha (the Torah portion read on shabbat).  It is called haAzinu. HaAzinu means, “Your ears,” and is the first word of this week’s parsha.  If you recall from the end of the previous parsha, Moshe (Moses) was … Continue reading

Parsha Haazinu: Torah and Parenting

Hello everybody, This Shabbat we read the torah portion (parsha) which is the song that haShem (god) told Moshe (Moses) to teach to the people.  As with most songs, this one is very poetic.  The parsha is entitled, “My ears,” which is the first significant word in the parsha, and it starts with a request to listen to the words about to come.  God is perfect and just, problems come from the children.  (Stay with me folks; I know to … Continue reading