Parsha P’kudi: A Personal Torah to Completion

This week we finished the 2nd book of the Torah which is called Shmot (Exodus).  The concluding parsha (weekly Torah portion) is called P’kudi.  The root of this word has many meanings including,:to order, to remember, and to count.  In context, p’kudi means, “The countings or the accounts,” as in, These are the accounts of the mishcan (tabernacle)…,” which is in fact how the parsha begins. You see, the parsha begins with Moshe telling the tribe of Levi to take … Continue reading

Parsha Vayakhail: A Torah on Oops

Next week, we wrap up the book of Shmot (Exodus), but before we can do that, let us review what we read this week. The parsha (Torah portion) for this week is called Vayakhail which means, “And he assembled,” as in Moshe (Moses) assembled the whole community of the children of Yisrael. If you recall from last week’s parsha, Moshe goes up the mountain for 40 days and nights, and we build a golden calf.  Moshe comes down and destroys … Continue reading