Rosh haShannah: The Beginning of Change

Sunday at sunset we begin Rosh haShannah. It is commonly referred to as the Jewish New Year. However, it also is the beginning of the 7th month of the year, not the first month of the year. So, I prefer to translate Rosh haShannah as the Head of Change. Rosh means head and shannah can mean to change or transform, as well as year. I prefer calling Rosh haShannah the Beginning of Change because it is the beginning of a … Continue reading

Rosh Hashanah: A Special Torah for the Holy Days

Hello everyone, As today is erev Rosh haShanah (the day before the Jewish new year), I thought I would share a few thoughts.  A study partner of mine a couple of years ago observed that most people call Rosh haShanah, “Judgment day,” and when you think of a judgement day, you think of somber clothes and going to court and fear of what the verdict will be.  However, we look at Rosh haShanah as a day of joy and celebration … Continue reading

Dancing in the Vineyards

Imagine that you have been told that you have a terminal illness and that you will die in exactly one year.  How does this make you feel?  Now, imagine one year has gone by.  It is the night before the day of your death.  All your affairs are in order.  You’ve made a will and made amends, and had time to tell the people that you love how you feel.  You lie down in your bed and as you drift … Continue reading

When Friends Visit

My friend Eliezer just got into town.  He is just here through shabbat, a couple of days.  I know him from my days in Jerusalem.  And just as you do when a friend that you haven’t seen for a couple of years visits, you spend the first day catching up and the conversation goes all over the place.  One of the places where our conversation went was shabbat guests.  I have invited a few friends over and he asked me … Continue reading