This week we are treated to a double parsha. A parsha is the portion of the Torah that is read on a particular week. If you want to understand what a double parsha is, and why they exist, I suggest going to this blog entry where I explain it. Our parsha is called Tazria-Metzorah; the first word is the name of the first parsha, and the second word is the name of the second parsha. Tazria is Hebrew for She … Continue reading
Tag Archives: becoming pure
Once again it is time for our visit with the parsha (weekly Torah portion). The parsha for this week is called T’tzveh which can mean you will command and/or you will join. The parsha starts with haShem (god) talking to Moshe (Moses) and saying, “Atah t’tzveh,” or, “You will command/connect the children of Yisrael and they will take to you pure pressed olive oil for lighting the eternal candle.” One shabbat a few years back, someone pointed out that this … Continue reading