How interesting is it that just days before we leave Egypt, we read about how the cohen gadol (high priest) atones for everybody’s sins, ie. we read about the yom kippur service. Why? Well, if I tell you now, you might not read the rest of this email, and then you might miss out on one or two other juicy tidbits. 🙂 So, let’s get to it, shall we? The parsha (weekly Torah portion) from last week is called Acharai … Continue reading
Tag Archives: afflicting our soul
Hello everybody, This was originally written on October 11, 2005. However, it is still relevant today and I hope gives you a fresh and more joyful perspective on what Yom Kippor is really about. Well here it is, the evening before Yom Kippor. I wasn’t planning on writing anything for the day, but during yeshiva (a school for the study of Torah) today, as we talked about the day, I realized that I did have some thoughts I wanted to … Continue reading