Parsha Tzav: Two Sides of Life

This coming shabbat is called Shabbat Gadol (big or great shabbat), and I am hearing a lot about why this shabbat is called Shabbat Gadol.  I am also hearing a lot about Pesach (Passover) which is less than 2 weeks away.  I am hearing so much that I feel our poor little parsha (weekly Torah portion) is being left out in the cold.  After all, it is kind of boring compared to Pesach.   Pesach has lots of nooks and … Continue reading

Parsha Vayikra: How to Come Close to HaShem (God)

This week, we start the 3rd book of the Torah: Vayikra (Leviticus). This week’s parsha (Torah portion) gets into the blood and guts of sacrifices.  It is not one of the prettier parshas, but it is an important one nevertheless because it tells us how we can redeem ourselves when we sin, not just as a person, but also as a community or a community leader, including the high priest and the king.  One of the things I like about … Continue reading

Parsha (double): Vayakhail-P’kudi – Finishing

Hi y’all, Today is the first day of the first month of the year.  Yeah, I know Rosh haShanah (the Jewish new year – literally:  head of the year) is the new year, but I am just telling you what it said in one of the two parshas (weekly Torah portions) that we read this week.  For those who don’t know, the Jewish calender is lunar based and needs to add an extra month every other year or so to … Continue reading

Parsha Ki Tisa: What Makes a Good Leader

This week’s parsha (Torah portion) is a very full parsha.  It starts with the taking of a census and how to avoid a plague while doing it.  Then it tells how important it is for Aharon and his sons to wash before serving in the tent of meeting, in order to keep from dying. Next we are told of the anointing oil and the incense, and then we read who the main builders of the mishcan (tabernacle) will be.  Next … Continue reading

Parsha T’tzaveh: Clothing Makes the Man

Hello everyone, Once again it is time for our visit with the week’s parsha (Torah portion).  This week’s parsha is called T’tzveh which can mean you will command and/or you will join.  The parsha starts with haShem (god) talking to Moshe (moses) and saying, “atah t’tzveh” or, “You will command/connect the children of Yisrael and they will take to you pure pressed olive oil for lighting the eternal candle.”  Someone, once pointed out to me that this is a unique … Continue reading

Parsha Trumah: Project Management (Part 2)

What strikes me as I read this week’s parsha (weekly Torah portion) was how I have been seen the first two books of the Torah:  Genesis (Breshiet in Hebrew) and Exodus (Shmot in Hebrew).  In Breshiet I found myself seeing some little aspect within a parsha, while in Shmot I am finding much larger themes; themes that exist over many parshas.  I don’t know why that is.  At the moment, I just find it an interesting observation.  If anybody out … Continue reading

Parsha Mishpatim: The Torah on Project Management

I almost wasn’t going to write anything for this week’s parsha (weekly Torah portion) because I didn’t have any new ideas coming to me as I was reading. Then, in the morning, haShem (god/dess) blessed me with a clue as to one thing that last week and this week’s parshas, together, might be trying to teach us. This week’s parsha is filled mostly with laws, actions and consequences, so it is a very practical one. And why not? After all … Continue reading

(parsha Yitro/Jethro) – Torah: The Ten Whatever-They-Are

Hi everybody, Hope you all are in good spirits this week. In this week’s parsha (Torah portion), we finally make it to Mount Sinai and have the most amazing high: we all get to hear the Creator of the Universe speak to us. And this is what she said: I am haShem (the 4 letter name of god meaning: what was, is, and will be – the master of everything) your god, who has taken you out of the land … Continue reading

Parsha b’shalach: Growth, Freedom, and the Master of Mystery

This week’s parsha (Torah portion) is called b’shalach, and it finishes off the pharaoh and Egypt portion of our story.  And likewise, we will conclude the discussion on the breaking of habits that control us. After all, if pharaoh represents the part of us that wants to keep us enslaved to a habit, it would make sense that his destruction signifies the destruction of whatever is keeping us from being free.  But that is not all that happens in the … Continue reading

Why does the Torah say, “Come?” (parsha Bo)

This week’s parsha (portion) was called “Bo” in Hebrew which means come. The name comes from the first sentence of parsha that says: “And haShem (god) said to Moshe (moses), “Come to pharaoh because I have caused his heart to be heavy, and the heart of his servants, for the sake of my two signs that I am bringing close.”  I have heard a lot of talk about why use the word “come” instead of the word “go.”  Before I … Continue reading